Facial Trauma

Facing facial trauma is undoubtedly a stressful experience, both emotionally and physically. At Portal Dental Pasadena, our team of highly-trained oral and maxillofacial surgeons is here to guide you through the healing process. Situated conveniently in your local community, our practice specializes in treating various types of facial injuries with utmost care and precision.

What Constitutes Facial Trauma?

Facial trauma can arise from various incidents, such as car accidents, sports injuries, or falls. Injuries may range from facial lacerations to more severe conditions like knocked-out teeth, and fractures of the nose, cheek, jaw, or eye socket.

A Skilled Team You Can Trust

Correcting facial trauma demands specialized training and a deep understanding of the face’s long-term functioning and aesthetics. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are trained in the art and science of facial recovery, always considering your previous appearance and any potential permanent damage that could impact the results.

Types of Dental-Related Facial Trauma Treatments

  1. Facial Lacerations
  2. Knocked-Out Teeth: Immediate treatment can often save a knocked-out tooth. Our team is equipped to reinsert and stabilize the tooth when possible.
  3. Fractures: Jaw and cheekbone fractures can be managed without leaving any external scars, thanks to intraoral (inside the mouth) approaches.

Consultation and Aftercare

Your dentist at Portal Dental Pasadena is always available for a pre-treatment conversation to discuss the best course of action for your unique situation. We provide tailored treatment plans and encourage you to schedule follow-up appointments for optimal recovery.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you or a loved one is facing facial trauma, don’t hesitate to contact us at Portal Dental Pasadena. Our professional team is here to provide the highest quality of dental and surgical care right in your neighborhood.

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